
Fight against drug trafficking and drug use in young people

commercialization and consumption of drugs

Culture, commercialization and drug use are what attracts young people to our society today. Yet, it is a phenomenon that threatens social peace, with a rampant rise in insecurity. Apart from social peace, there is physical and mental harm caused by the use of drugs. It is therefore imperative for the government to clean up the environment, and it is in this perspective that the national anti-drug committee is working with other partners and with the following support booklet: "All drugs are harsh and any drug abuse is dangerous. " An interpellation for all the actors to mobilize for the sensitization in order to protect the youth, spearhead of the nation. It is not with drugs that they will be actors of development. Awareness is more about prevention by focusing on advice. This is to show young people that they have no interest in using the drug for any pleasure, or for some resistance or courage. You have to practice coping with his difficulties. Life never fails, the use of drugs does not save.


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