
Fight against sickle cell disease

Management of sickle cell disease

Sickle cell disease is a disease that is wreaking havoc among the Cameroonian population. This state of affairs is far from leaving the Circle of Friends of Cameroon (Cerac) insensitive. For the charity, it is important to take the part of these young victims of sickle cell anemia. Thus, it has decided to offer multi-faceted donations to the Chantal Biya Foundation (FCB) whose actions are oriented particularly to health, education and social development, and many of these young people are interned. This visit is part of the celebration of World Sickle Cell Day. The specialized center of the Mother and Child Center (CME) alone follows a cohort of 700 subjects whose needs in terms of health care are enormous. It is in this movement that the Cerac has presented arms with essential drugs and other gifts. A charitable action for children with sickle cell disease. Already, 20 to 30% of Cameroonians are carriers. In addition, one in 14 couples is at risk of sickle cell children and 6050 children are born with sickle cell disease each year in the country. As a result, this is a public health problem. A disease that promotes high morbidity and expenses in affected homes. Affection being poorly known to the population, it goes without saying that each individual knows his status before thinking of making children and getting married to eradicate sickle cell disease in society. The ladies of Cerac have not failed to make a plea for screening to be systematic and mandatory.


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