
Grand Sanaga project for the supply of drinking water in Yaoundé

Work on the project to extend the water supply to the town of Yaoundé from the Sanaga River (PAEPYS) has started since January 2017. Work on the site for the laying ceremony First stone are being completed. Excavation work is already carried out at all the sites to house the raw water pumping station with a capacity of 315 000 m3 of water per day, that of water treatment with a capacity of 300 000 m3 d Water per day extensible to 400 000 m3 of water per day, that of treated water with a capacity of 275 000 m3 of water per day in Nkometou II in the borough of OBALA, department of LEKIE , Central Region. This drinking water will be available in 2019. In addition, the site to house the Nkometou power transformer station, the access road to the site of the catchment and raw pumping stations, as well as the d Water are being developed, and even already practicable. According to Mr. Dieudonné OMBALA, Director of PAEPYS, the only problem during is the release of the control of the project. The public authorities are making every effort to resolve this major difficulty encountered on the ground. The Minister of Water and Energy (MINEE) made a site visit on Wednesday 12 April 2017.


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