
Campost would like to have a digital e-commerce platform

Headquarters of the Campost in Yaoundé

Cameroon is considered one of the African countries where e-commerce has potential. Indeed, 23% of Cameroonians use the Internet thanks to the meteoric increase in the Internet penetration rate in the country, 36% in 2021. Of the 209,482 companies resulting from the second general business census in 2019, 1,400 of between them work in the field of e-commerce. And at the end of 2018, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) ranked Cameroon in the top 10 of the most innovative countries in Africa. Cameroon Postal Services (Campost), a postal operator, is invited to move towards the modernization of digital services and the diversification of products which should lead to a marked improvement in its operations. This is how Kavaa Global Services, a firm of Moroccan origin, but based in France, has just won the contract for the realization of a feasibility study on the deployment of an electronic e-commerce platform for the Campost. The future deployment of e-commerce at Campost is in line with the recommendations of the 2020 report of the Technical Commission for the Rehabilitation of Companies in Difficulty (CTR). For the specific case of Campost, as of December 31, 2018, its level of equity was 87.807 billion CFA francs with an overall stock of debt estimated at 155.728 billion CFA francs.


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