
The State sets up mechanisms to ensure the competitiveness of businesses

Family photo after a DACC meeting

Cameroonian companies today have great financing needs. Through the steering committee of the Cameroon Competitiveness Support System (DACC), the State and its development partners have set up two mechanisms to support very small, small and medium-sized enterprises. The first mechanism is financed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) to the tune of 16 billion CFA francs. It concerns the technical assistance of medium-sized enterprises and aims to strengthen their capacities by offering them services which can be between financial and non-financial. This mechanism will be implemented with the support of Cameroonian financial institutions. The second arrangement is an honor loan amounting to CFAF 300 million. It is part of the integrated program for the enhancement and processing of agricultural and agro-food products (Transfagri), to be implemented by the French Development Agency (AFD). The beneficiaries will be recruited from among young people (startups) and women to increase their empowerment. It should be noted that for both systems, the Cameroonian private sector is closely involved (the inter-employer associations GICAM, Ecam, Mecam are represented on the committee).


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