
Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on employment in Cameroon


The employment situation is alarming and unemployment fuels poverty. During the year 2020, Cameroonian companies laid off 11,270 employees, because of the serious health crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the economic report on employment published by the National Observatory of employment and vocational training (ONEFOP), or 14.9% in relative value of the 75,654 jobs created in the country by companies in 2020. In addition, 25,694 employees were laid off, or 34% in relative value of jobs created. Finally, due to the cancellation of certain projects of the Public Investment Budget (BIP), the number of technically unemployed employees increased to 60,355, or 79.77% in relative value. The outbreak of the second wave of Covid-19 weighs down the horizon for 2021.


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