
Covid-19, let's continue to follow the very high directives given by the President of the Republic

MINSANTE, Dr. Manaouda Malachie

The Minister of Public Health (MINSANTE), Manaouda Malachie, indicated that: "The epidemiological situation in our country is worrying and not alarming, because we have kept the same rate as in 2020. In terms of contamination, we are. we have a little more while in terms of severity, we have decreased. We have identified about 3000 new cases the week which ends; it was more or less the same thing the previous week. Still, we have passed the peak reached in June last year when we were handling the first wave. So the contamination has increased while the severity rate has dropped. The coming wave is not more lethal. Rather, it has a transmission ratio of l epidemic more accelerated, 86% today. We also have a bed occupancy rate which is already at 12% whereas we had fallen to 0.05%. On the epidemiological level, we therefore have a concern particularly with the transmission. We continue to follow the very high he directives given by the President of the Republic in terms of strategy to be able to control the pandemic. Regarding the vaccine, we are awaiting the opinion of the scientific council in relation to the latest information and we will report. "Since the discovery of the first cases of coronavirus, Cameroon has 42,286 people infected, 36,362 patients cured, 633 cases of death, 5,291 active cases, 381 cases of hospitalization, and 89 under oxygen.


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