
The city of Yaoundé is experiencing electrical disturbances

A section of the Southern Interconnected Network (RIS)

Many neighborhoods in the city of Yaoundé are experiencing electrical disturbances. After several days of instability, the situation is gradually returning to normal and work is underway to strengthen the service. Investigations have shown that transportation breakdowns are the cause of these electrical disturbances. And in a note published on January 28, 2021, ENEO, the electric energy distribution operator, indicates that the localities served by the South Interconnected Network (RIS) had experienced some inconvenience: "This collapse was caused by a succession of stoppages of the Songloulou-Logbaba and Mangombé-Logbaba transmission lines. delay in resuming service and a production deficit in Songloulou on the evening of January 25, 2021 ".


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