
Happy Birthday to FEICOM!

The Director General of FEICOM, Camille AKOA

The special fund for equipment and inter-municipal intervention (FEICOM) is 45 years old. Created on December 5, 1974, the Bank of Municipalities celebrated this anniversary in all sobriety because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Press conference by the Director General, Camille AKOA, open day at the Hilton Hotel, dedication of Volume 2 of the FEICOM guestbook entitled "FEICOM, 45 years at the heart of local development" and prefaced by the President of the Republic Paul BIYA, organization of two school competitions launched in partnership with the Observatory of the foreign and national press (Open), etc. It is also an opportunity for FEICOM to retrace its various actions and achievements. In particular those consistent with government guidelines in terms of deepening the decentralization process, promotion of local governance, sustainable financing of decentralized territorial communities in Cameroon, and its performance.


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