
MINEE: drinking water supply in Yaoundé is one of the priorities

The MINEE Gaston Eloundou Essomba (right side)

The budget allocated to the Ministry of Water and Energy (MINEE) for fiscal year 2021 amounts to just over 228.482 billion CFA francs. In addition to strengthening the supply of water and energy to meet national demand, MINEE, Gaston Eloundou Essomba, notes that this budget will be devoted to the finalization of projects, in particular the project to supply Yaoundé and its surroundings with drinking water. from the Sanaga. Indeed, Yaoundé currently has around 4 million inhabitants. Peak needs for their drinking water supply were estimated in 2016 at 315,000 m3 / day. Akomnyada's water treatment plant, its only source of drinking water, produces at best almost 100,000 m3 / day. This creates a production deficit of around 215,000 m3 / day. As a result, Yaoundé is experiencing the rationing of drinking water.


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