
The start of the academic year took place on Monday, October 15, 2020 in Cameroon

Academic start 2020/2021 - Headquarters building of MINESUP in Yaoundé

The 2020-2021 academic year took place on October 15, 2020 in Cameroon. 420,000 students are expected, including 70,000 new graduates and holders of GCE Leved. They will be supervised by 6118 teachers of all grades (Full professors, Lecturers, Lecturers, Assistants). According to Loris Serge Eteki Eloundou, head of the planning and statistics department at the Statistics and Foresight Division at the Ministry of Higher Education (MINESUP), general statistics show a ratio of 52 students for one teacher (i.e. 52 / 1). However, in some state universities and private institutes of higher education (IPES), the averages are gradually approaching the international standard of 25 students per teacher (25/1). Universities of Bamenda 25/1, Buea 30/1, Ngaoundéré 39/1, etc. In the two state universities of Yaoundé, the situation remains worrying. We are talking about the numbers before the great university reform of 1993. Of the 74 existing public establishments, 41 are professional and technological oriented and welcome 27% of students, and 33 traditional faculties which have 73% of students. If we add the IPES, the number of students in vocational and technological fields reaches 36%. It should be noted that the government wishes to reverse the trend with more students in the first category of public establishments for a better match between training and employment.


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