
C2D: a great tool to support decentralization in Cameroon

C2D- Debt reduction and development contract for Franco-Cameroonian cooperation

The Debt Reduction and Development Contract (C2D) between Cameroon and the French Republic has contributed to institutional reforms in the area of decentralization in Cameroon. By deciding to finance the National Participatory Development Program (PNDP), the French Development Agency (AFD) has supported the development and / or updating of: 155 Communal Development Plans (PCD) and 3000 Local development plans (PDL) in phase 1, 329 PCD carried out in the ten regions of the country in phase 2, and 351 PCD are being updated or developed in phase 3 underway. In addition, the C2D has contributed to the financing of studies, in particular that which led to the law on local taxation and the law on the financial regime of decentralized territorial collectivities. As other major contributions:

  • The implementation of citizen engagement activities;
  • Training conducted for local actors in various fields;
  • The realization of 6,800 micro-projects during the three phases.

Good points for Franco-Cameroonian cooperation.


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