
Covid-19: health authorities note that good habits in the fight against the coronavirus are gradually disappearing


With the increase in the rate of damage caused by the coronavirus, populations have had to improvise habits such as washing their hands, coughing in the elbow ... to counter this exponential wave, several other measures have also been implemented such as the provision of thermo flash and the disinfection of certain public places. These habits are slowly disappearing today. The populations are slackening off and think that this wave has totally disappeared. Old habits are galloping back and social distancing is becoming a vague expression. This slackening is also due to the incompetence of the security agents in the companies which no longer ensure the respect of the rules of hygiene and the respect of the barrier measures. The State thus reminds to a recovery in hand of the situation which will be seen very critical if everyone does not try to make their contribution to the process by respecting the prescribed measures.The latest figures on the epidemiological evolution of Covid-19 communicated on September 24, 2020 by the government indicate: 20,712 people infected since the month of March 2020, 19,440 patients cured and 418 cases of death and 838 active cases among which 31 were treated and one under oxygen.


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