
Covid-19: reminder of the epidemiological situation in Cameroon

The press briefing of Dr Alain Georges Etoundi Mballa

Updated data on the epidemiological situation of the Covid-19 pandemic in Cameroon were presented on Thursday, September 17, 2020 in Yaoundé. They report: 20,371 people infected since March 6, 2020, 19,124 cured patients, 416 cases of death and 831 active cases, including 35 hospitalized patients and 3 under oxygen. The cure rate is 93.8%, the case fatality rate is 2%, the severity rate is 0.36% and the bed occupancy rate is 1.11%. Despite encouraging results, the challenge for our country requires, according to Dr Alain Georges Etoundi Mballa, Director of the fight against disease, epidemics and pandemics at the Ministry of Public Health, the involvement of each citizen in the fight against spread of Covid-19, through its level of practice of barrier gestures.


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