
Collectivités Territoriales Décentralisées, la dette communale passée au peigne fin lors du dernier Conseil du FEICOM

Agence régionale du FEICOM de l’Adamaoua (Ngaoundéré)

The 27th extraordinary session of the Board of Directors of the Special Fund for Equipment and Inter-municipal Intervention (FEICOM), was held in Ngaoundéré, in the premises of the Regional Agency of said body for Adamaoua, on Tuesday, September 1 2020. The work was chaired by Mr. Georges ELANGA OBAM, Minister of Decentralization and Local Development, Chairman of the said Council. The Director General reported on the items on the agenda devoted to the examination of the municipal debt. The Director General presented the level of indebtedness of all the Municipalities and Urban Communities vis-à-vis FEICOM, at the end of the first quarter of 2020. The Council, after having analyzed the data thus presented and taking note of the context marked among other things by the increase in the outstanding debt of said entities, repayment difficulties encountered by some of them as well as the negative effects induced by the health crisis due to the coronavirus pandemic and government response measures to the said crisis, authorized the General Management to proceed with a reduction of 10% of the date for the benefit of all the Municipalities and Urban Communities, with the exception of those of the Far North, the North West and of the South-West which will be the subject of special treatment. For some of them who are experiencing crippling operating difficulties due to over-indebtedness that has become unsustainable, more substantial relief has been granted.


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