
Municipal collectors at the school of good accounts

The headquarters building of the Audit Bench of the Supreme Court in the Hippodrome district in Yaoundé

Despite the legal requirement, the municipalities continue to evade the filing of management accounts in the Audit Chamber of the Supreme Court. The deposit rate for said accounts is 46.26% in 2019 for the 374 municipalities and urban communities in Cameroon. There are several reasons for this: fear of being questioned about their mismanagement, fear of confronting the Chambre des Comptes, and many municipal tax collectors who are not accountants at the base. By organizing training workshops for municipal tax collectors, the Accounts Chamber with the support of the National Participatory Development Program (PNDP), plans to reach a rate of 70 to 80% in 2020 before targeting 100% in 2021. During these workshops, the emphasis was first on the quantitative approach by encouraging the involvement of the local budget chain. Subsequently, the emphasis will be on the qualitative aspects of a management account with the entry of the auditors into the repressive phase. The Ministry of Decentralization and Local Development (MINDDEVEL) and the Ministry of Finance (MINFI) work to assess the real level of skills of municipal tax collectors.


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