
CAMWATER in reinforcement to restore the distribution of water in certain districts of Yaoundé

Old water pipe at a simplified interchange place in Yaoundé

Considered by the City of Yaoundé as a salutary action to anticipate the occurrence of floods in the Mokolo, Briqueterie, and Nlonkak simplified interchange districts, etc., the operation of moving CAMWATER water pipes deprives residents of drinking water. for several days (last week of August 2020) in Tsinga, Bastos, Mfandena, etc. Work scheduled to last a day takes longer than expected. Indeed, the chosen subcontractor company is in default. To restore the situation so that people have water first while waiting for the Town Hall and its service provider to solidify their structure, the CAMWATER company has decided to take its responsibilities to shorten the suffering of its customers by restoring the pipe to the level. from the coal market to Mokolo and at the simplified interchange.


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