
Covid-19: families are invited to civics for the management of the deceased

Burials during the Covid-19 epidemic

The bodies of the deceased Covid-19 are buried fairly quickly according to the usual precautions. Burying the dead in Covid-19 where they die, to protect families, does not stick to the customs and rites in this matter in some of our communities which see accelerated burials. Clashes and incidents are increasing:

        1) Brawls / disputes / violence / scuffles between the medical profession and the families of the victims of Covid-19 who question the doctors' diagnosis;
        2) Dead bodies exhumed;
        3) Opposition to the burial of the bodies of the deceased Covid-19 by families;
        4) Etc.
The question that arises here is how to allow families to grieve "with dignity" while preserving public health. Health specialists point to the emotion and the lack of information in the tensions between hospital units and families. They should be made to understand that there is a risk of cascading contamination and that a body transfer authorization is required. Even if voices are raised to wish for a more dignified funeral for the dead of the Covid-19, in particular the renowned editorialist Marie Roger Biloa, families are invited to civics.


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