
The markets of the city of Yaoundé are resisting government measures to fight the Covid-19 pandemic

Yaoundé central market

Government measures to curb the spread of Covid-19 are difficult to pass through these places of commerce. The problem that arises according to Jean Marie ABOUNA, mayor of the arrondissement commune of Yaoundé 1er (CAY 1er), is that the Mfundi, Mokolo, Central, Etoudi, Elig-Edzoa, Mvog-Mbi, Mvo-Atangana Mbala markets , Ekounou, 8e, etc., are sites which welcome an average of 5,000 people per hour. So it's hard to educate this mass. Faced with the Covid-19 epidemic and the extreme need to enforce the barrier measures decreed by the government of the Republic, the mayor of the city of Yaoundé, Luc MESSI ATANGANA, as well as the mayors of the 7 CAYs, are forced take concrete regulatory measures in the markets and ensure their strict application:
       1. Reducing the flow of populations in the markets of the city of Yaoundé;
       2. The wearing of a mask is compulsory in all markets in the city of Yaoundé by traders, buyers and anyone who enters the market (visitors);
       3. The use of masks by our tailors and dressmakers, as an alternative, given the scarcity and high cost of masks;
       4. Obligatory respect, in the markets, of the distance of at least one (01) meter, between traders and, between them and buyers;
       5. Respect for the exceptional closing times of the markets at 4 p.m. (local time), and the drinking establishments at 6 p.m., at the latest.


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