
Fight against corruption, tour for the promotion of integrity in schools in the city of Yaoundé

Yaoundé: Conac starts at the base

The National Anti-Corruption Commission carried out an "integrity tour" on December 9 in schools in Yaoundé. It was the president of Conac, Dieudonné Massi Gams, who led this tour on the occasion of the international anti-corruption day on December 9. "Do not be a victim or a silent accomplice of acts of corruption," he advised students and teachers of the bilingual public primary school of Bastos, the public school of the Center and the Charles Atangana technical high school. The Conac caravan has educated the educational community on the value of being aware of the horrors of corruption. But above all the importance of preserving young people from this gangrene that must be combated at the root. In all three schools, Rev Dr Massi Gams asked teachers to give students citizenship education to understand the merits of fighting corruption. The objective of this "integrity tour", said the president of Conac, is "to arm the youth to say No to corruption from an early age. The awareness was accompanied by gadgets to better convey the message to the students. The best who stood out on the knowledge of corruption, left with bags, flyers, DVDs, t-shirts, calendars and caps bearing the image of Conac. The toll-free number 1517 dedicated to denouncing corruption was also given to them.


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