
The construction of a new headquarters of the Cameroon Bar project

The bar has not had a seat so far

“But first, the men in black dresses will have to believe in this project and get their hands dirty. A great bar like ours deserves to have a seat worthy of the name, "said the chairman of the pulpit Me Patie Charles Tchakoute during the press conference held at the headquarters of the Bar Association on Saturday, November 02. The Law Society is planning a seat that reflects the image of the corporation in the near future. According to the spokesperson for the councils, since he was elected, no call for contributions has been made to members of the Bar and none has been prosecuted for non-payment of contributions. "The idea was to create conditions for lawyers to understand what their contributions are all about," said Patie Charles Tchakoute. The acquisition of 2036 m² of land worth 237 million CFA francs in the Mfan-dena district of Yaoundé by the former President of the Bar Me Sama Francis Asanga in 2014 was not an easy task. It is only five [2019] years after the land title was given to the chairman Me Tchakoute. At the headquarters last Saturday, during the presentation of the said land title, the members of the Council of the Order as well as former guest Bâtonniers, expressed their satisfaction. This is the case of the former Bâtonnier Me Sama Francis Asanga who came to experience the end of the process of the acquisition of the land which had started during his baton. “I am very happy with this finalization. Some colleagues believed that I had diverted their contributions. Thanks to the new chairman Me Patie Charles Tchakoute my name has been cleared ”, he concludes with a smirk.


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