
The National Participative Development Program awards 30 municipalities up to FCfa 1.2 billion

Award Ceremony

The event took place last Friday. Indeed, the National Participatory Development Program (PNDP) initiated by the Ministry of the Economy has distributed FCFA 1.2 billion to 30 municipalities across the country. This bonus was of two types: on the one hand the performance bonus and on the other hand the progressiveness bonus. This sum of 1.2 billion FCFA was distributed as follows: "30 municipalities received bonuses. 20 municipalities received the performance bonus worth 50 million FCFA each. And, 10 municipalities received the progressivity bonus, each valued at CFAF 25 million ”. According to the coordinator of this program, Marie-Madeleine Nga, two municipalities per region were selected for the performance prize and one municipality per region for the progressivity bonus. For the PNDP, the selection criteria were budgetary and accounting management, governance, transparency and ownership of the approach of the national participatory development program. For the Minister of the Economy, Alamine Ousmane Mey, "We have recorded a clear evolution of some key indicators. Thus, the participation rate in this competition increased from 92% to 95%, reflecting a certain enthusiasm within the municipalities. The average score obtained by the municipalities increases from 32 out of 100 to 46 out of 100 ". The municipalities of Dibombari (Littoral Region), Pitoa (Northern Region) and Ngaoundal (Adamaoua Region) for their recurrence at this performance window since its launch in 2017, were presented and cited as examples of common . This concept brings into competition the 360 ​​communes of Cameroon.


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