
Construction is progressing for the headquarters building of the Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ART)

ART headquarters under construction

This building will give more credibility and scope to the Telecommunication Regulatory Agency. It should be delivered in 2021. Right in front of the Hilton hotel in Yaoundé, stands an imposing building: that of the headquarters building of the Telecommunications Regulatory Agency (ART). The works seem to be progressing at great speed. On the site last Tuesday, it is day of visit. Contracting authority, project manager and control mission are mobilized to take stock of the progress of the works launched in August 2018. A little more than a year therefore that the Erdem-Somaf group of companies is active for the construction of this work. The days here start at 7:30 am and sometimes end very late at night, as long as the objectives of the day have not been reached. Built on a space which makes a total of 2050 m², this building is mainly intended to house the services of ART's general management, including the office of the chairman of the board of directors, that of the director general and the main departments. There are 11 levels, including two basements and a ground floor, nearly 300 offices, a technical room, a computer room, a restaurant space and an occupational medicine space as well as a sports center for staff relaxation. This building also has specificities. First, it should blend into the architecture of the buildings located on Boulevard du 20 mai. Then, it is inspired by Turkish technology, as explained by Patrice Joël Mpoudi, assistant director of heritage and logistics at ART. Regarding the progress rate of this project, it is now 30% with the basements, the ground floor and three levels already out of the ground. We should see the site delivered in May 2021. For officials of the regulatory body of the telecoms sector, this building is important in more ways than one. "ART is a public administration which, by the nature of its activities, requires a lot of international cooperation. So, we need a reference structure to give credibility to the actions that are being taken by Cameroon in the telecommunications sector. This structure ensuring the control and the follow-up mainly of the operators of telephony must be able to have a dignified and honorable representation near these international firms ”, explains Patrice Joël Mpoudi. This building will also, in addition to providing a pleasant framework of work to its staff, help improve the image of the city of Yaounde.


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