
A support of 49.5 million CFA francs was given to the clubs this Friday, by the Transitional Technical Committee (CTT) of the Cameroon Football Federation (Fécafoot).

Ceremony of delivery of the check equipment


It is with a touch of pride that the presidents of the Elite One and Two clubs received from the president of the transitional technical committee, the sum of 49,500 million this Friday, November 1, 2019. Thus, each club of premiere and of the second division of the professional championship receives a check for 1.5 million CFA francs representing support intended for the acquisition of new equipment. The payment of the second tranche of 49.5 million distributed in the same way, namely 1.5 million CFA francs per club of Elite One and Elite Two meanwhile, is announced for November 13 at the latest . This is an important gesture that should be saluted for the support of the clubs. Indeed, "We made a commitment early in the season; support in the best possible way, our clubs that compete in professional championships. Because we understand that it is not easy for these clubs to support their expenses without support from us. Look, elsewhere, the clubs live mainly on the sale of stadium tickets and TV rights, "said Alim Konate, president of the CTT. “In Cameroon, he adds, given that some stadiums are not available, there are few supporters in the stadiums, just as so far, we have not yet signed a contract with a large diffuser. Consequence, we must find the way to compensate for these losses. It is a commitment that we have made and we intend to keep our word. " An innovation among so many others, namely: the Champions Cup, the opening night game, the gradual return of the public to the stadiums. Note that this is the second time that the Fécafoot Transitional Technical Committee has granted a subsidy to first and second division clubs. At the start of the season, they had respectively received checks of 4 million CFA francs for the D1 and 2 million for the D2, as the first installment of the Fécafoot subsidy.


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