
Training on local governance in Yaoundé

Session de formation par Pnfmv

This training was organized by the National Trades Training Program of the city (Pnfmv). Indeed, for municipalities and urban communities to act for the benefit of the populations they serve and represent, it is important to know local governance. For this reason, participants reviewed their knowledge of the subject in order to improve their practices. In partnership with United Cities and Local Governments of Africa (Cglu) through its African Academy of Local Government (Alga), Pnfmv wants to improve the performance of municipal staff and development actors. Indeed, in terms of governance, it was recalled that it is a process of daily and collective learning of rules and principles around which human societies agree to manage the common good, to regulate the relationship between the individual and the group cohabiting in the same spaces. For the issues of local governance in Cameroon, the public policies adopted aim at a greater empowerment of populations through decentralization. In short, participants are required to know about the current context, current issues and challenges of local governance; to have a mapping of the main actors and stakeholders involved in this process.


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