
Yaoundé, une ville qui se veut aux standards modernes

An urbanization school as part of the 33rd edition of World Habitat Day

In view of what is done for the development of city development strategies (CDS), it goes without saying that Yaoundé and its metropolitan area want to be a city with modern standards by 2035. In other words, a metropolis with functional multimodal mobility. Inspired by what is being done elsewhere, the Cameroon Urban Communities took part in a brief urbanization school last Sunday in Yaounde through a special session on the challenges of implementing CDS in Africa. horizon 2035. The case of Yaoundé, particularly in terms of development strategy and its metropolitan area, was illustrated. As part of the 33rd edition of the World Habitat Day, it was precisely "question of sharing experiences of the case of Yaoundé that has just developed its development strategy." It is also an opportunity "to see with all local elected officials the issues and challenges to be met so that we can implement this strategy so that it does not remain only planning documents," said Arnaud Philippe Ndzana , advisor n ° 1 to the delegate of the government of the Urban Community of Yaounde (CUY). Indeed, the Development Strategy and its metropolitan area is based on six pillars to facilitate the emergence by 2035 of the city of Yaounde and its metropolitan area. This is good governance, urban mobility, a smart urban that involves planning the metropolitan space for the purpose of space management, equitable access to infrastructure and attractiveness of the poles economic and environmental development plans, among others. Clearly, the presentations are intended "to create a craze for mayors to go to financial partners. We have UN Habitat which has shown the mechanisms of technical support and Feicom, financial support measures "said Marie Solange Mbang Efon, director of urban planning, architecture and living environment at the CUY. Thus, mayors now have the necessary resources to shine a thousand lights their cities.


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