
A platform for the creation of anti-drug clubs in schools

19th Chinese Medical Mission: The Basics of Established Collaboration

In partnership with the National Committee against drugs, the Faith and Justice Association is committed to fight drugs in schools. The members of this platform met Wednesday, August 21 in Yaoundé around the theme: "The circulation and non-medical use of psychoactive drugs and other drugs in schools." Question of finding ways to fight drugs. It is clear that this scourge has now made its nest in the high schools and colleges of the country thus creating chronicles with actors, the students engaged in the consumption of narcotics and its consequences. In order to bend the neck to the phenomenon that plays a negative role in the mental, moral and physical health of young people, the program intends to build capacity in institutions for the year 2019-2020. This capacity building will be at two levels namely:
- The training of teachers, school relays, two per institution.
- The students themselves, for whom a training workshop for peer educators and a number of educational talks in schools are planned. Added to this the creation in the establishments of the drug clubs; and a Facebook page called "Stop Drugs", will not be left behind.
In fact, the platform plans to honor the awareness of learners so that they do not enter the spiral of drug use.


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