
2nd national forum to reduce the transmission of HIV from mother to child

Prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV

Vertical transmission (mother-to-child) of HIV (Ptme) remains the main route of infection in children. The latter are hard and innocently affected by HIV. Cameroon is among the 30 nations in the world accounting for 89% of the total new infections. A worrying finding for the future. Thus, "we must dare to put the interest of children, adolescents and women living with HIV / AIDS in the foreground to validate innovative strategies that will accelerate the achievement of 90-90-90 goals" said the representative of Unicef ​​on September 10 at the opening ceremony of the 2nd national forum on the prevention of HIV transmission in children and care in children and adolescents. adolescent in Cameroon (Ptme). The work chaired by the Minister of Public Health (Minsanté), Manaouda Malachie, had the theme: "Optimize collaboration between health facilities and the community to achieve the 90-90-90 goals." This has mobilized several strategies, namely the elaboration of the elimination of mother-to-child transmission plan, the adoption and implementation of option B + and its extension in health facilities practicing Ptme. The state of play of this pandemic with regard to children is revealed by the 2018 report of the National AIDS Control Committee (Cnls), of which 17214 children were born to Vih + mothers, out of an estimated 26,698 pregnant women on December 31st. 2018. Through screening, the seropositivity rate is 5.8% of 958 children diagnosed with HIV +. A rate that reveals a slight increase compared to 2017. Yet, by 2020, targets have been set 90-90-90 by UNAIDS, hence the significant challenges that remain to overcome to achieve these goals. objectives for the elimination of mother-to-child transmission and universal access to antiretroviral therapy (Arv). With the increase of the active file of the proportion of teenagers infected by HIV, new destabilizing issues emerge, notably the denial of the disease, the voluntary abandonment of the Arv treatment, the voluntary early pregnancies, the orphans of the AIDS.


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