
Launch of the campaign against bilharziasis and intestinal worms

Health of the school: students are de-injured

According to statistics, in Cameroon, 10 million people carry intestinal worms and more than 2 million suffer from Bilharzia. And the most vulnerable are children of school age. To meet the challenge of these high prevalence of diseases related to hygiene and child safety, a national deworming campaign was officially launched on September 11, 2019 at the public school of Baloua, Makenene in the department of Mbam and Inoubou , Central Region. For the occasion, it is question of de-worming more than 4 million children throughout the whole territory. The announcement was made by Secretary of State for Public Health Alim Hayatou. For three weeks, the government is determined to overcome, by de-worming at least 4 million children of the 06 Regions of Cameroon namely, the North, the Far North, Adamaoua, East, West and the Center. The choice to start this second phase of the national campaign against these diseases is justified by the fact that 34% of Baloua residents suffer from Bilharzia or intestinal worms, an alarming figure. Everyone is thus invited to put themselves firmly at work, "by intensifying mass awareness, by involving the population in this battle, by constantly respecting the measures of hygiene and sanitation", noted Alim Hayatou. He also announced that Good Neighbord, a partner NGO in the fight against these diseases, will support the Central Region against these diseases for the next three years on awareness raising, drug distribution, improved access drinking water through the construction of 28 boreholes in the health district of Ndikinimeki.


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