
Young people trained for Tic in Yaounde

Digital economy: Young people trained in ICT use

About a thousand young people from the city of Yaoundé took part in the seminar organized by National Agency for Information and Communication Technologies (Antic) for three days. It was an awareness seminar on entrepreneurship and job opportunities in the field of information and communication technology (ICT). The seminar included in addition to the Antic experts from Microsoft, Google and the Ong Change Engine. It was a question of providing participants with knowledge to help them better understand the opportunities offered by ICTs on the one hand, and on the other hand, to offer young start-ups a chance to present their know-how and benefit from at the same time, advice on the maturation of their projects, as well as establishing win-win partnerships with other structures. An opportunity that needed to be taken advantage of in order to reinforce the already acquired capacities in the field of ICT. This meeting also allowed 400 young people from different schools to receive practical and introductory training in programming.


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