
Fight against HIV / AIDS, the 17th edition of "holidays without AIDS" launched

Peer educators at school

This 1st of August 2019 at the esplanade of the Ong Synergies Africaines was particularly decorated. Indeed, it was about the opening of the 17th edition of "holidays without AIDS" through the theme: "Generation Android, click on HIV testing". To do this, it is to inform, educate and raise awareness through the distribution of prevention materials, educational talks, individual interviews all this through social networks. For peer educators, also young people, we must encourage young people to be tested voluntarily, to inform and guide people with HIV. It is also a question of increasing young people's knowledge of STIs, HIV and AIDS. The campaign will continue with the movements in the neighborhoods to make known the different means of prevention of these diseases as well as the correct use of condoms. It should be noted that "Holidays without AIDS" was set up in 2003 by the first lady Chantal Biya to fight against this plague during school holidays and academic holidays. For this 17th edition, the main objective is to lower the seroprevalence rate in Cameroon in young people this year. For the opening ceremony, the presence of Manaouda Malachie and Mounouna Foutsou respectively Minister of Public Health and Minister of Youth and Civic Education was noted.


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