
The work of the child, a phenomenon to be eradicated by 2025

Cameroon wants to eradicate the phenomenon of child labor

This is the purpose of the seminar that opened yesterday in Yaoundé. The time may have come to end child labor. Indeed, when we talk about child labor, it is not a socializing work that we would like to prohibit. Rather, it is about the worst forms of child labor. Thus, it must be understood that there are certain types of work that do not correspond to age and that are done under certain conditions. It is in this regard that the seminar organized by Sic Cacao and Ong Asseja in partnership with the State of Cameroon that advocacy is made to protect children and of course the livelihood of cocoa producers. Since these are cocoa farms, it is a question of finding the necessary measures to get children out of these fields in order to offer them opportunities for education, training and socio-professional integration. At the end of the seminar, participants and supervisors will be armed with tools to fight against child labor because the year 2021 was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly as the International Year of the Elimination of Child Labor. children. Otherwise, the situation is worrying because in some areas of cocoa production, children are carrying out work that is dangerous and thus jeopardizing their future or education. For example an 8 year old child should not spray.


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