
Fight against street drugs, awareness before the crackdown

Minister's Awareness

The irruption of the Minister of Public Health (Minsanté), Manaouda Malachie, in the areas where street medicines were sold in the Central market and that of Mokolo in Yaoundé aimed to raise the awareness of the actors. It is 4 pm when the Minsanté makes an unexpected descent while several sellers quietly went about their business. In front of the head of public health, the justification has flattering looks: "I manage, Minister," in defiance of the lives of Cameroonians. "Products sold under the sun are dangerous for health," explains Minsanté to mean that actors must think about retraining. And already, from the Central Market to the Mokolo Market, the phenomenon is quite important. This descent follows the statement issued recently by the Minsanté, intervening after the meeting chaired by the Prime Minister, head of government who decried the phenomenon and asked to take measures to curb it. After the sensitization will follow the crackdown warned Manaouda Malachi.


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