
Round Table on the Development of Geographical Indications (GIs) in Africa

Penja white pepper

This session, which opened on June 10 in Yaoundé, was initiated by Cameroon, in connection with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and intended for actors in the Penja pepper production line, Oku honey and cocoa under the theme: "Geographical indications in Africa: issues of territorial development, economic integration and trade". There was talk of moving up a gear on the international registration for greater recognition. The session aims to raise awareness of the Lisbon system on the registration of geographical indications. As the international environment is characterized by the difficulty of some countries in facing fierce competitiveness, Cameroon is therefore challenged to look favorably for its positioning in this global economic face. Already, the Lisbon system is a WIPO instrument that aims to facilitate the international protection of appellations of origin through a single registration procedure. The work also aims to help local producers, in the field of agriculture, crafts and all fields, to better understand the external markets. In other words, a product that is marked with a geographical indication gains much more economic value in the market. This makes the country from which he is born a privileged destiny. All in all, it is a question of exchanging and reflecting on the development of geographical indications as tools for the promotion and marketing of quality products from African agriculture and crafts, as well as the sensitization of actors for the valorization of local products.


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