
What face for the cities of tomorrow?

Urban planning

The subject was at the center of the work that furnished the second session of the Steering Committee for the formulation of national urban policy on Tuesday, May 3rd. Yaoundé for example is confronted with a galloping and insufficiently controlled urbanization. The proof is with the presence of shantytowns and the anarchic push of neighborhoods with consequences such as the exponential rise of insecurity, poverty and the social divide. Three years ago, the government commissioned a study on the formation and implementation of a National Urban Policy (NUP) at Onu-Habitat. This report, sanctioning the studies, was the subject of the second session of the Steering Committee. Ce For the Minister of Housing and Urban Development, Celestine Ketcha Courtès, the PUN aims to revisit the tools of urban planning, land management and development of urban soils that will make the cities of Cameroon more attractive and more secure. This is where a coordinated and oriented urbanization depends, thus promoting the path to sustainable development over the next 30 years. The strategy does not exclude anyone. As if to say that the good organization and the quality of the city of tomorrow depend on the good initiatives of the townspeople and the decision-makers of today.


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