
Multipurpose community telecentres (Tcp) community development tools

Investment in telecommunications

Cameroon launched the Multipurpose Community Telecentres (Tcp) program in 2006 with the aim of offering postal, telecommunications, computer and audio-visual services, etc., to the populations of rural areas. In order to reduce the digital divide. These centers have been experiencing difficulties in operation for several years. Thanks to the German cooperation, a new impetus will be given to the Tcp within the framework of the program of support to communal development (Pradec-Promud). Giz will support MINPOSTEL to introduce new services based on a needs analysis, to test new management models, to support the provision of Internet access in and out of the walls of these structures, reinvigorate management committees by building staff capacity, etc. 231 Telecentres are open in Cameroon. The development of digital platforms to permanently ensure the availability of communal information could further justify the rehabilitation of existing Tcp and the creation of new ones.


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