
People between the ages of 45 and 55 at the helm of being at the origin of the infection of AIDS girls

Denunciation by the Minister of Public Health

Cameroon joins the international community to commemorate the 31st World AIDS Day. In Yaoundé, the ceremony was attended by all the actors involved in the fight against the pandemic. The priority on the menu was the balance sheet of the struggle in the country. The assessment is encouraging with a prevalence down 20% in six years, from 4.3% in 2011 to 3.4% in 2017. Quality care reducing deaths from 52,000 in 2010 to 28,000 in 2017. However, the minister accuses people of a certain age of being at the origin of the infections of the young girls. The number of infected pregnant women is equally regrettable, with 6,200,000 women screened in 2017, 26,000 with HIV and 23,000 on treatment. The consequence being that more than 98% of children are born healthy in this situation. For the fact, the minister requires everyone to be aware of the situation and for 2019 against HIV there is more effort to be made in pediatric care as only 25% of HIV-positive children are on antiretroviral treatment.


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