
Digital: 4000 young people should benefit from training under the project to build three Digital Campuses

A view of ENAM in Yaoundé

This is the fruit of cooperation between Cameroon and South Korea. The centers will be built at the Ecole Nationale d'Administration et de Magistrature (ENAM), the Ecole Nationale des Postes, des Télécommunications et des Technologies de l'Information et de la Communications (SUP'PTIC) and the Institut Supérieur de Management Public (ISMP). The resident representative of the Korean Cooperation Agency in Cameroon (Koïca) and experts from South Korea visited the above-mentioned sites. "The signing of the memorandum of understanding is expected to take place between MINEPAT and the Korean Ambassador in January. But that doesn't stop things getting serious on the ground", declared MINFOPRA, Joseph LE.


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