
Fuel imports: TotalEnergies, Tradex, Ola, Neptune, etc. repositioned at the expense of SONARA

A view of the Palais de l'Unité in Yaoundé

In a letter from SGPR, Ferdinand NGOH NGOH, addressed to MINEE, Gaston ELOUNDOU ESSOMBA, on December 14, 2023, the President of the Republic, His Excellency Paul BIYA, "prescribes the liberalization of imports of petroleum products" and confers on the Caisse de Stabilisation des Prix des Hydrocarbures (CSPH) the prerogative of allocating quotas to "major importers in the sector, presenting the technical and financial profiles enabling them to proceed immediately with imports". According to several players within the sector and the administration, this new local market mechanism benefits the sector's major importers within the Groupement des Professionnels du Pétrole (GPP), currently chaired by Neptune Oil CEO Antoine NDZENGUE. In addition, the President of the Republic has "rehabilitated" the CSPH in its "role of steering the process of allocating quotas to importers", a responsibility that has devolved to the MINEE for nearly 4 years.


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