
Fuel crisis in Cameroon: Jeune Afrique's analysis and questions

Tradex new Bastos road in Yaoundé

The country is facing a fuel supply crisis. Assurances by the Minister of Water and Energy (MINEE) as to the reasons for this shortage and the measures taken are far from convincing some people. Despite the promise to guarantee sufficient supplies, the price of fuel is rising in parallel markets, where a liter has reached 1,000 FCFA. In the opinion of Jean Perrial NYODOG, President of GULFCAM and former head of Tradex, the supply crisis can often be the result of operational difficulties on the part of traders, or problems in financing imports. Cameroon, the continent's twelfth-largest producer of black gold, with around 25 million barrels of oil a year, according to SNH figures, has often faced fuel shortages since the start of the war in Ukraine in February 2022.


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