
New impetus for the PNFMV

Family photo at the end of a PNFMV session

The Programme National de Formation aux Métiers de la Ville (PNFMV) held the 8th ordinary session of its Strategic Orientation Council on Thursday November 23, 2023 in Yaoundé under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Decentralization and Local Development (MINDDEVEL), Fred Aurélien EBONGUE MAKOLLE (chairman of this body) and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development (MINHDU), Maturin NNA. "The aim of this session is to get the program back on track and enable it to provide elected representatives and municipal staff with quality training in the various trades involved in managing our municipalities", said SG/MINDDEVEL at the opening ceremony. According to Hermine NNA OKONO, the new coordinator of the PNFMV, who took up his post a month ago, "we have not been able to implement the training activities that are the very raison d'être of the program, for reasons not always attributable to the program".


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