
Crackdown announced at Yaoundé's Mvog-Mbi market

A view of the Mvog-Mbi market in Yaoundé

Gabrielle EFFILA, Mayor of the Commune d'Arrondissement de Yaoundé IV (CAY IV), points out that the Mvog-Mbi market has no space problems.  There are counters capable of accommodating all the people clustered around public life. But these shops are mostly empty, because traders prefer the sidewalk. "We're going to put an end to this situation. Our people need to learn to comply with the regulations in force (...) Teams will always be on the ground because we know each other. This action will continue until order reigns, and order will reign by all means", he announces. The Mayor of CAY IV was accompanied on his latest awareness-raising tour by the local Sub-Prefect, Elvis AKONDI.


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