
44 members of the CAN TotalEnergies 2021 and Covid-19 Taskforces receive their medals

An attitude of the Minister of State, Secretary General of the Presidency of the Republic, Ferdinand NGOH NGOH, during the medal ceremony.

The ceremony was presided over last Friday at the Palais de l'Unité by the Minister of State, SGPR, Ferdinand NGOH NGOH, on behalf of the President of the Republic. In his speech, MINETAT explained the reasons for awarding these honorary distinctions, recalling the context in which these two structures were set up, underlining in passing the inadequacies of "traditional methods and classic administrative procedures", before acknowledging the "resounding success" of both the CAN TotalEnergies 2021 and the fight against Covid-19. MINETAT/SGPR passed on the congratulations of the President of the Republic to all the administrations involved in the success of these working groups.


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