
Official exams : The Cameroon Baccalaureate Office (OBC) announces the digitization of the anonymization of copies

A view of the city of Yaoundé

"This innovation allows us firstly to strengthen confidentiality and secondly to limit human error and confusion related to the manual generation of anonymity codes," said the Director of Examinations of the OBC, Samuel DECHAMFORT NSONGAN, on CRTV. According to a teacher who is involved this year in the organization of official examinations, it is an offline software that will generate the anonymity codes. This is made possible because, upstream, the OBC has completed the digitization of candidate registrations. "But we'll just have to watch for bugs. This is often the case when we experiment with such a reform. So we must not find the same codes everywhere," said the same source, retained as a project manager in an examination center.


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