
Occupation of spaces and evictions in our cities: Who is responsible?

The phenomenon of urban disorder in Yaoundé at Boulevard du 20 mai and the Central Post Office

During the program "Equinoxe Soir" of the television channel Equinoxe TV, all the guests on the set agreed on the idea according to which the problems posed by urban disorder find their sources in the incivism of the populations on the one hand, and the absence of proactivity of the authorities, on the other hand. There are indeed regulations concerning urbanization in our country. But the respect or the implementation of these regulations generally occurs after the populations have settled in "unauthorized" spaces. In the opinion of some, the solution is not always to break up and clear the area. If this can be justified in some places, it is not always necessary in others, because it is generally under the nose of the authorities that these populations progressively settle in these spaces that are not granted to them. By way of solutions, the State would gain by preventing anarchic installations and constructions, rather than destroying them.


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