
Ngomedzap not far from Yaoundé: The commotion after 11 suspicious deaths

An investigation has been opened following a series of suspicious deaths, according to the Prefect of Nyong-et-So'o, Mr. Emmanuel LEDOUX ENGAMBA.

Following the sudden and suspicious death of 11 people in the village of Nnom-Nnam, a village in the district of Nyong-et-So'o, an investigation opened after this succession of deaths revealed that the victims had the same symptoms: grade 3 hypertension, extreme fatigue, agitation followed by delirium, violent headaches, visual blur and excessive sweating. Four people have already been buried and seven others are awaiting autopsies. While waiting for the conclusions of the ongoing investigation, an initial theory put forward by the villagers is that an Orthodox priest planted a huge cross that interfered with the piloting instruments of a "night plane". A mystical crash would have followed. A version abundantly relayed in social networks.

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