
Land: 10103 land titles established and granted in 2022

The land title is the official certification of real estate ownership, subject to legal provisions, the land title is unassailable, intangible, final.

The balance sheet presented to the National Assembly on November 30, 2022 by the Minister of Lands, Cadastre and Land Affairs (MINDCAF) shows that 5369 land registrations were made for men, 2252 for women and 2482 for communities. Another message delivered by MINDCAF is the codification and harmonization of the maximum rates of financial contributions payable to users for the different procedures of field visits, within the framework of direct registration or concession files, and for missions of contradictory land surveys. Regarding the private domain of the State, he indicated that he will continue to consolidate and improve the protection of the State's land heritage and public entities resulting from expropriations for public utility against de facto and anarchic occupations, without title or quality.


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