
Public lighting: 100,000 solar-powered street lamps offered to the 374 Communes and Urban Communities of Cameroon

Signing ceremony of the

The municipalities will also receive training in assembly and maintenance of equipment. The related agreement was signed on November 23, 2022 in Yaoundé, between Communes and United Cities of Cameroon (CVUC) and the company Sunna Design France, specializing in intelligent street lighting. According to official sources, this is the pilot phase of the "Lumcam Project", which will allow the installation of a total of 100,000 solar street lamps, starting in January 2023. According to CVUC experts, the assembly and maintenance unit will be located in Cameroon including over 12 years, the participation and strengthening of an ecosystem of local operators and local employment. The ceremony was chaired by the Minister of Decentralization and Rural Development (MINDDEVEL), Mr. Georges ELANGA OBAM, in the presence of the Minister of Labor and Social Security (MINTSS), Mr. Grégoire OWONA and the Minister in charge of the Presidency, Mr. Benoit NDONG SOUMHET.


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