
Case of unpaid bills: ENEO and the State Universities have reached an agreement

ENEO Koumassi in Douala

The two parties divided by a case of unpaid electricity bill had to agree during a meeting held on October 5, 2022 under the chairmanship of the Minister of Water and Energy (MINEE), Mr. Gaston ELOUNDOU ESSOMBA. His colleague of the Higher Education, Professor Jacques FAME NDONGO intervened by videoconference in this "important working session", which was also attended by the Vice-Chancellors and Rectors of all state universities, the General Directors of ENEO and ARSEL, two representatives of the Minister of Finance and collaborators of the Ministers of Higher Education and Water and Energy. The communiqué summarizing the meeting indicates that they were gathered to seek a consensual "sustainable, efficient and legal solution to the problem related to the necessary regular supply of electricity to universities, in view of the very sensitive nature of these institutions at the academic and societal levels".some recommendations were made: the obligation to consolidate the public debt of state universities within one month; a moratorium granted to each state university; the systematic installation of smart meters in each university to ensure the authenticity and sincerity of bills, etc.


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