
The microfinance Express Union, has 07 false collectors of school fees in the high schools of Ekounou, NgoaEkellé, Nkoldom and in the technical high school Charles ATANGANA

The Express Union headquarters building in Yaoundé

In a letter dated Wednesday 05 October, the General Management of the Express Union microfinance institution informed MINSEC Pauline NALOVA LYONGA of the facts of fraud in some schools in the city of Yaoundé, which led to the arrest of 07 individuals who used the name of the company in order to defraud some parents of students. The letter informs that the plot was discovered on Thursday, September 29, 2022, during a raid by elements of the Regional Division of the Judicial Police of the Center (DRPJ) in the said schools. Express Union also informs that the arrests are continuing and that the investigation is pending at the DRPJ of the Center.


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